There are many methods of treating hemorrhoids today. The oldest are the traditional methods of our grandmothers such as herbal teas, honey, onion, ice cream ... etc. Then, other more modern methods appeared like herbal medicine, surgical operations, and various hemorrhoid drugs. In this article, we will talk in depth about modern treatments of hemorrhoids.


  1. Definition for Hemorrhoids
  2. What Causes Hemorrhoids?
  3.  Prevention of hemorrhoids: avoid constipation
  4. Basic Tips for Relieving Hemorrhoids
  5. Treatments of hemorrhoids
  6.  Oral treatments against hemorrhoids
  7. Hemorrhoids: treatments for complications
  8. Hemorrhoids: what treatments for bleeding?

What is Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids also known as piles are simply veins in the rectum and anus. An important thing to understand is that, everyone has hemorrhoids. They are flexible veins, like all the veins of the human body, which allow the opening of the rectum during defecation in particular.
At the time of excretion, the contraction causes high blood pressure in these veins that dilate to allow excretion, this is completely normal.
The hemorrhoids become painful, thus creating hemorrhoidal attacks, when the dilation of the veins is prolonged. To summarize all this, a hemorrhoidal crisis is an inflammation of the veins located in the rectum and anus.


What Causes Hemorrhoids?

As we have seen, a hemorrhoidal crisis is the consequence of prolonged pressure in the veins of the anus and rectum. This pressure causes abnormally long dilation of these veins, thus creating inflammation. This is the source of a hemorrhoids crisis.
Now the question is what activities cause excessive pressure in the veins of the anus and rectum?
We can differentiate several possible causes. Here we listed seven 7 causes of hemorrhoidal crisis. These can associate with each other, increasing the risk of developing a hemorrhoidal crisis.

 -Age Factor

Your age is obviously essential. Numerous studies have shown that after mid-fifties, one in two people suffer an average of hemorrhoidal seizures at least once in their life.
Hard to fight against aging. To do the best, it is therefore necessary to adopt a balanced lifestyle, especially at the food level. By associating this hygiene of life with other good reflexes to fight against the hemorrhoidal crises, you reduce the risks of appearance of a crisis.

-Hereditary Factor

Similarly, it has been proven that there is undeniably a hereditary factor in the onset of hemorrhoids crisis. In other words, if one or more of your loved ones have been victims of hemorrhoidal seizures, your chances of developing crises are increased.

-Medical and Anatomical Factor

Constipation, chronic diarrhea or obesity are factors in the onset of hemorrhoids.
Constipation and chronic diarrhea are two different disorders, but the result is the same. They cause a disordered rhythm of defecation.
The evacuation of the stool being made difficult or too frequent, abnormal pressure is exerted on the veins of the anus and the rectum. This abnormal pressure obviously causes an inflammation causing the hemorrhoidal crisis.
An obese person, for its part, naturally exerts a significant weight in the veins of the anus and rectum. This promotes the onset of seizures.

-Daily Life and Certain Physical Activities

Without knowing it, certain daily actions can be on a long duration favorable to the appearance of a hemorrhoidal crisis.
Staying too long, especially on an uncomfortable chair, puts increased pressure on the veins of the anus and rectum.
Similarly, certain physical activities generate a significant stress on these veins, especially because of repeated contractions. The lifting of heavy weights is a typical example.
For all these elements of daily life, it is easy to take steps to reduce the risk of developing a hemorrhoids crisis.

 -Food Factor
The diet, whether solid or liquid, must of course be monitored to prevent the onset of hemorrhoids.
You must therefore scrupulously avoid all foods that will lead to harmful constipation. In the same way, tobacco consumption should not be underestimated.

-Pregnancy Factor

Often underestimated, the risk of hemorrhoidal crisis in pregnant women is nevertheless present.
During pregnancy, for a variety of reasons, the pregnant woman is subject to a number of factors conducive to the onset of a seizure.

Sexual Intercourse Factor

Anal sex should not be overlooked when analyzing the causes of a hemorrhoidal crisis.
Indeed, repeated stimulation and pressure in the anus area may be an irritating factor . It is this irritation that is the source of a hemorrhoidal crisis.

Prevention of hemorrhoids: avoid constipation

Change your eating habits to avoid constipation. Constipation promotes the occurrence of hemorrhoidal attacks and aggravating its symptoms, it is essential to ensure the treatment quickly or to prevent it. To do this, make sure to eat a diet that is high in fiber, low in fat, salt and pastries, and remember to drink enough water (1.5 liters to 2 liters per day). These simple measures can significantly reduce the symptoms of the crisis. Foods that prevent constipation and hemorrhoids are fresh vegetables, fruits, raw vegetables and legumes. If necessary, taking mucilage can help treat constipation. To learn more, read our " Ending Constipation ". These measures are the only ones that can be extended outside crises, to prevent recurrences.
Do not wait to go to the bathroom. Otherwise, you could promote constipation, which will promote the occurrence of hemorrhoids.
Exercise and limit your weight gain can be helpful. Weight gain is a factor favoring the occurrence of hemorrhoids. In addition, physical activity can help reduce constipation.

Basic Tips for Relieving Hemorrhoids

-Make sure to maintain an impeccable anal hygiene: take a bath or a shower every day. No need to use a daily soap. It is important that the inflamed area does not become infected.
-Restrict the use of toilet paper: After the stool, use baby wipes or at least a toilet paper soaked in water. Some advice against scented toilet paper, which could facilitate inflammation.
-Apply cold: In case of pain or itching, apply anal cold compresses several times a day. You can also do sits baths with cold water (hot water will cause vasodilatation that may increase the crisis).
-Wear cotton undergarments that will allow the evacuation of moisture, unlike acrylic and other synthetic fibers.
-Avoid foods that can irritate the mucous membranes: coffee (even decaffeinated), alcohol, tea, strong mustard, hot pepper and other strong spices. The idea is to opt for a vegetarian diet until the symptoms disappear.
-Avoid the efforts that can increase the pressure in the veins (lifting heavy objects, forcing too much in the saddle ....

Treatments of hemorrhoids

Inflammation plays an important role during hemorrhoids. Creams or ointments containing corticosteroids, which have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, provide rapid relief. But they should not be used for prolonged periods because of the lack of preventive effect on recurrences and the risk of adverse reactions. Lubricants or protectors, which can be bought without prescription, unlike corticosteroids, can also be used, to go to the saddle more easily (constipation playing an aggravating role).
On the other hand, local laxatives, such as enemas or micro-enemas, are not recommended because they can traumatize the anal wall.

Many local anti-hemorrhoidal preparations are available over the counter in pharmacies. They can be used in ointment, cream, or even suppository, if their introduction is not too painful. Some patients reported great relief by using Venapro Products. They can combine a vasoprotector, an anti-inflammatory and a local anesthetic. But it can also contain plant extracts known for their calming and soothing effects. In any case, if these products have no preventive action and must be used in short-term treatment, their soothing effect will be truly welcome and guaranteed without any side effects. They can also be accompanied by oral treatment, although this is not essential.

Oral treatments against hemorrhoids

These treatments relieve symptoms. Some phlebotonics are very well tolerated and significantly reduce the symptoms of the seizure (pain, bleeding), in case of internal hemorrhoids. In case of thrombosis (especially external), their effect is not demonstrated. In any case, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.

-Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ie other than cortisone and its derivatives) are effective on pain in case of hemorrhoidal thrombosis (formation of a very painful blood clot in the hemorrhoidal vein).
-Minor analgesics, such as paracetamol (eg Doliprane or Efferalgan ), are also effective on the pain of hemorrhoidal thromboses and can be taken without delay. But aspirin is not recommended as it may increase bleeding.
-In pregnant women, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are contraindicated. On the other hand, it is quite possible to use phlebotonics. In any case, ask your doctor first.

Hemorrhoids: treatments for complications

If the hemorrhoids are very developed, it is possible that your doctor offers you heavier treatments. It could be:

  • -Sclerosing injections, to cause sclerosis of the hemorrhoidal vessels;
  • -Infrared photo-coagulation, which acts on the vessels by fixing the mucosa;
  • -Elastic ligations, which cause devitalization of tissues and then allows their destruction by another technique (freezing for example);
  • -Surgery under local or general anesthesia to perform a hemorrhoidectomy.

Hemorrhoids: what treatments for bleeding?

Relieving the hemorrhoidal crisis is a question of comfort. It is therefore entirely possible to refrain from taking treatment if the symptoms are minimal. On the other hand, it is important not to neglect bleeding by putting them on the account of hemorrhoids. They may be related to a polyp of the intestine (precancerous lesion) or cancer.
If the hemorrhoidal crisis can be treated very well by self-medication, any bleeding of recent appearance must lead to consulting a doctor.
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