The need for prevention and treatment of piles/hemorrhoids cannot be over emphasis.  People need to understand how to get rid of hemorrhoids as it becomes among the major health issue in our community. If you are among those people with piles/hemorrhoids, please keep reading this article until end because you will find how to cure hemorrhoids fast depending on your situation.
Piles also called hemorrhoids, are of two types: 

  1. 1External Hemorrhoids &
  2. 2Internal Hemorrhoids.

Let’s take a look of all them;

How to Get Rid of External Hemorrhoids

For External Hemorrhoids or Piles, It is possible to relieve the acute pain caused by thrombosed external hemorrhoids (in which a blood clot has formed) by surgery, under local anesthesia. A small area of ​​skin around the anus is removed, including the affected veins. This reduces the risk of recurrence. Few people use it because other solutions are effective as well.

 How to Get Rid of Internal Hemorrhoids

To treat Internal Hemorrhoids, If symptoms persist and weaken the quality of life, any of the following may be considered. The following are commonly use procedures for treating internal hemorrhoids:

1.       Elastic ligature. This effective technique is the most commonly used, but is not suitable for all cases. Using a ligating device, a small elastic band is placed at the base of the dilated vein (see diagram).
Thus, the blood circulation is blocked: the hemorrhoid shrinks and then breaks down. There may be some slight bleeding 2-4 days after the procedure when the elastic falls. There may be complications (pain, formation of other hemorrhoids, infection, etc.), but they are rare.

2.       Coagulation. Hemorrhoids can also be removed by heat, directing infrared rays to the base of the vein that creates the protuberance. The blood stops flowing and the vein retracts.
The same effect can be achieved by using an electric current.

3.       Sclerosing Treatment or Sclerotherapy. The injection of a chemical at the base of the hemorrhoid will cause its hardening, then its retraction.

4.       Hemorrhoidectomy. Physicians usually only use this surgical procedure when hemorrhoids are large or other possible treatments have not been effective. Practiced under general or epidural anesthesia, it consists in removing, with the knife, a part of the tissues where the hemorrhoids are.
This method is more radical than the previous ones and reduces the risk of recurrence, but requires a longer recovery.

If your piles/hemorrhoids are not disturbing you much, preventing it from appearance is a must... And That is why you should try VenaPro. The good news is that you can get FREE bottles of VenaPro to test the outcome.

I hope you found this article helpful, if so please comment or share with your friends they may be shy to discuss this type of problem with you but they may be needing this solution.

Wishing you a healthy living.